Thankyou for purchasing Elixa
Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed.
If you used your Paypal account to pay, please check that the correct, up-to-date delivery address was selected by your account if you forgot to check. This can be seen in your confirmation email from us, or you can view it in your PayPal account by clicking the transaction you made and viewing the Shipping Address. If it was incorrect – no problem! Just send us an email (click here) and we’ll fix it for you!
A confirmation of your purchase has been emailed to you. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder. If your delivery address is in the USA, you shall receive an email some time after 5pm EST with your tracking link.
Please let us know how you get on with Elixa! Just go to the ‘Contact us’ section of our website, to send us your impressions. If you have any questions once Elixa arrives at your door, please check our FAQ section or get in touch via our contact form in the ‘Contact us’ section of our website. If you benefit from Elixa, please tell your friends about it! We aim to spend all revenue on research and development to continually improve Elixa. For marketing we rely on word-of-mouth and we really appreciate you helping us!